Monday, October 24, 2011

Potty Training

At the beginning of October I decided to take a long weekend and potty train Carly. She had been showing signs of readiness for a while - Actually, she was already going on the potty (for MONTHS!), she just wouldn't tell us when she had to go. I opted for hard core potty training - No pull-ups. No padded panties. No mercy. I used lots and lots of positive reinforcement and never uttered a negative word. We high-fived and cheered her victories together. She was so proud and excited. And so was I.

Carly "threw away" her baby diapers and pull-ups (we gave them to our friend with twins just three months younger than Carly).

We played outside most of the time (better for cleaning up messes, my dear). 

Successes were rewarded with m&m's. I called her "non-successes" "learning opportunities."
note to soon-to-potty-train-mommies - I recommend Smarties instead of m&m's. I never knew that they could be so messy!

As an update: I am so proud of how great Carly is doing. She has mastered the home potty, the public potty AND the airplane potty. However, she does still have the occasional  "learning opportunity" at school, but we are seeing progress there, so I know that it is just a matter of time before she is 100% "learning opportunity" free. 

We could have never mastered the public potty without this beauty-  a foldable, portable potty seat that is perfect for little bottoms on big potties.


Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nice ass love to shove my c--k in her

Anonymous said...

I agree her ass has me hard, I want to pull her knickers aside and let her see how good a mans cockfeels in her

Anonymous said...

Fuck she makes me so hard

Anonymous said...

i am stroking mycock looking at her

Anonymous said...

Best one

Anonymous said...

Ooo baby look at this cute little bitch needs to get spankings

Anonymous said...

over my knee, then rub it better and let my hand wander to her toddlercunt, i love fuckingatight little todlerscunt while i cumin her panties

Anonymous said...

do my grand daughter most days babysitting

Anonymous said...

She's a little cock sleeve

Anonymous said...

she loves sucking grandascock and getting hercunny licked

Anonymous said...

Im hard rn I wanna stick it in her pussy

Anonymous said...

it feels really good they are tight as hell at her age, be sure to fingerfuck herpussy

Anonymous said...

What most parents of toddler girls don’t realize is that most times the child is too sexually frustrated to potty train. I would love to help your daughter by satisfying her sexually in a safe and comfortable environment. My penis is not too large and it’s perfect for the curious and horny toddler girl.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

the bestpussy is unda5

Anonymous said...

looking for bbycunt

Anonymous said...

Me too

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

have daughter from new born to 2

Anonymous said...



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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

niece 3 in may

Anonymous said...

i want her ass

Anonymous said...

yes if i can watch

Anonymous said...